Apr 27, 2010

Its My life!!

Its my favourite games.Now i am still in learning process of softball technique.Its quite interesting.The best position is pitcher.I love it.And because of it i get 9 mark.Its the highest i guess.Thats y i love to be a PITCHER...
Stop the softball part,Now lets turn to my life's part...
I starts to open my heart to someone that are not related to the armed forces.I like him but its too early to tell him.I just in the state of recognize to each other.My journey is still long.I will having a lot more challenges to face.Favourite anecdotes is "Let them know that you love him before its too late".He is adorable like kitten...hahahaha...
"Please living life to the fullesT".Dont wait till the last hour to do everything.And thats my life..I love the way i live....
Its called a TESLIAN graduate when they can do the thing that others teacher cant do.They are always love to be drama quenn and i love that...Go English teacher.And the most important thing is grammar.Grammar is the root of language.Grammar power is the most important aspect...CHAIYOK FATIN AMEERA....

Apr 24, 2010


The story begins...........................
oNce a upon a time,there live a cute girl(ceh!!!masuk bakul n angkat sendri la) at the Village Of IPTeknik.She was jilted by one man called MAN.She loves him til one day he said that let's become friend forever...
She cried for the whole night and then when she woke up the next day,she knew that he's not belong to her anymore.She accepts the fate eventhough its too hard to faced it and undergo her life without him..For her,he's the first man in her life and he's perfect eventhough he is not good looking.He had everything as a man.He's an engineer.Unfortunately, he's not belong to her anymore.
She's nearly forget about him but today he come back because she found his picture in her pendrive.She want to hear his voice but she cant.She just can see their sweet moment through that picture.
Her new soul always remind her that he is her past and let's begin to find the new one...
p/s Allah always fair to human being.Believe in ur fate..

Apr 20, 2010

~.......Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu......(Ath-Thalaq:3)

Setiap yang berlaku past ada hikmah disebaliknya.Apabila kita merenung dari sudut positif,hati kita akan menjadi tenang.Setenang air di kali.Namun apabila kita melihat dari perspektif yang negatif,kita akan menjadi stress atau kebih tepat lagi kita bakal diserang penyakit kemurungan.Pada aku,setiap yang berlaku dalam hidup aku ini pasti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi.Aku redha atas segalanya even ssah nk terima.
Perjalanan masih jauh.Aku bukan berjalan untuk hari esk sahaja tapi aku akan berjalan untuk hari mendatang.Mungkin jalan itu berliku-liku,siapa tahu.Hanya Allah yang mengetahui segalanya.Manusia hanya mampu merancang.Tuhan yang menentukan.
William James ada mengatakan :"Penderitaan telah membantu kita untuk mencapai suatu batas yang tidak pernah terbayangkan.Andai kata Dostoyesky dan Leo Tolstroy tidak mengalami kehidupan yang pahit,keduanya tidak akan berjaya menulis memoar dan novel-novel yang mengagumkan dan abadi hingga saat ini.Oleh kerana itu,hidup yatim,buta,terasing dan miskin terkadang menjadi penyebab keunggulan ,kemampuan yang luar biasa,kemajuan dan karya yang nyata.
Berbalik pada diri aku sendiri,hilang seseorang yang amta kita syang bukanlah sesuatu yang besar ertinya.Mungkin Allah akan menggantikannya dengan yang lebih baik dan sempurna.Mungkin juga dia bukanlah tercipta buatku.Aku cukup suka kata-kata roomate kesayanganku semalam."Tak nak couple la,nak teruskan kahwin ja kalau ada orang meminang".Best juga ya macam tu.Memang aku da lama rancang macam tu tapi kalau x da juga yang nak.Tak payah kahwin la jawabnya.Boleh jaga my parent sampai aku tua.Tu pun dikira berbakti juga.
Akhir hikayat,setiap yang terjadi pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.THINK POSITIVELY...

Apr 15, 2010

I'm back after all..