The story begins...........................
oNce a upon a time,there live a cute girl(ceh!!!masuk bakul n angkat sendri la) at the Village Of IPTeknik.She was jilted by one man called MAN.She loves him til one day he said that let's become friend forever...
She cried for the whole night and then when she woke up the next day,she knew that he's not belong to her anymore.She accepts the fate eventhough its too hard to faced it and undergo her life without him..For her,he's the first man in her life and he's perfect eventhough he is not good looking.He had everything as a man.He's an engineer.Unfortunately, he's not belong to her anymore.
She's nearly forget about him but today he come back because she found his picture in her pendrive.She want to hear his voice but she cant.She just can see their sweet moment through that picture.
Her new soul always remind her that he is her past and let's begin to find the new one...
p/s Allah always fair to human being.Believe in ur fate..
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